Simplicity Medical Training Pty Ltd's General Disclaimer

Effective date: 1st of June 2024


By using (Website), you agree to the following terms set out below governing your use of the material and information provided by Simplicity Medical Training on the Website and through its courses. Please carefully read this Disclaimer before proceeding.


By using this Website and Simplicity Medical Training’s online courses, you acknowledge and agree that:

(a) You agree to abide by all terms set out in the Website Terms of Use, and provide consent for collection of your personal information in accordance with the Website Privacy Policy;

(b) all information and materials provided by Simplicity Medical Training through its online courses are for educational, communication and information purposes only and are not intended to replace or constitute medical advice or treatments;

 (c) all information and materials provided by Simplicity Medical Training through its online courses and any other information on this Website are for use in Australia and New Zealand only and you indemnify Simplicity Medical Training against any loss for any use, reliance, and or reproduction of any information and materials outside Australia and New Zealand;

 (d) Simplicity Medical Training does not provide any diagnostic advice or services and you must not rely on information that you obtain through any of Simplicity Medical Training’s online courses as a substitute for medical or healthcare advice, information, or treatment from a qualified medical or health practitioner;

 (e) if you need medical or diagnostic advice or treatment, you should consult an appropriately qualified professional advisor to obtain specific advice which is tailored to your situation;

 (f) you must not ignore medical advice or delay seeking medical advice because of any information or materials you have seen, heard, or read on the website or in the online courses;

 (g) all information and materials provided by Simplicity Medical Training through its website and online courses are not intended to be used in the management of any individual or patient and you must rely on your own professional judgment, skill and care, and undertake your own enquiries in the context of the clinical circumstances for each patient;

 (h) you must not rely on the information provided by Simplicity Medical Training through its website or online courses to act beyond your own level of skill, training, or competency in managing any individual or patient;

 (i) it is the intention of Simplicity Medical training that all information and materials provided through its website and online courses are accurate, however, errors may occur. Simplicity Medical Training, by providing its online courses and any other information on its Website, does not warrant its accuracy, currency, or adequacy. No material provided by Simplicity Medical Training through its online courses or on its Website shall be deemed to present the only or necessarily the best method or procedure with respect to a matter discussed; rather, any such material shall be acknowledged as only the approach or opinion of the discussant;

 (j) any reference by Simplicity Medical Training to a third party, or content or materials originating from a third party, does not constitute an endorsement of the third party or warrant the accuracy, currency, or adequacy of any of its materials or content, either presented by Simplicity Medical Training or otherwise;

 (k) you, as the user of any information or materials provided by Simplicity Medical Training through its online courses or on its Website, must evaluate all risks of using and relying on the materials and information provided and you agree to use or rely on any such information or material provided by Simplicity Medical Training entirely at your own risk;

 (l) your use of, or reliance on, any information or material provided by Simplicity Medical Training through its online courses or on its Website does not give rise to a medical practitioner-patient relationship.